Water lawn for the first four weeks (depending on weather).
Water each area 20-25 minutes.
An oscillating sprinkler works best. It waters a square pattern.
If the lawn is damp or wet the next day when it is time to water, you can skip that day.
For the first two weeks of watering, evening is best. After the grass pops, mornings are best, but evenings are OK too.
Fertilizer can be re-applied after four weeks. (12-12-12, 16-16-16, or 19-19-19 fertilizers are great. Absolutely no weed-n-feed should be used until the lawn has been mowed a minimum of ten times!
Your first time mowing will be about four to five weeks after installation, depending on the grass' growth. It should be about four inches tall.
Grass should be mowed at a height of three inches for the first year.
Do not rake off the straw after the installation of your yard! It will rot away on its own.
If you have any questions, please call Tim (330) 723-1887.